Turbine Engine Wash System
NSN 4940-01-514-0087
GSA Contract: GS-O7F-0217Y
Designed specifically to support the engine washing requirements for multiple aircraft. This tactical system is designed to be completely self-contained.
The TEWS-C incorporates an on-board electric-start diesel engine power supply with an hour meter, battery and charging system along with ample water and chemical (gas path) and storage on-board for all required tools. The TEWS-C is complete and ready to be placed into immediate operation.
Military Aircraft Compatibility
- Blackhawk UH060
- Apache AH-64
- Kiowa Warrior OH-58
- Chinook CH47
Model Specifications

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Aircraft corrosion is a multi-billion dollar problem. On some aircraft types, corrosion maintenance hours are know to outstrip flight hours. Download the white paper below for a comprehesive view of Hydro's unique solutions.