Automatic Gravity Filtration
The Hydrokleen CMAFU-2 is a simple low maintenance gravity bed filter. This filter is designed for solids reduction in a variety of applications. It can operate as a stand-alone system or be used with other filtration and waste water treatment equipment. The system is offered with options for flow control of input and discharge waste streams. A wide variety of filter media roll choices (as fine as 1 micron to 70 micron nominal) are available to accommodate a wide range of filtration requirements.
Wash water is transferred to the CMAFU-2 where it is evenly distributed over the filter media surface which forms the bottom of a basin that holds the waste water. Filter media is supported and indexed through the basin by a driven conveyor. Gravity provides the driving force for this low energy solids/liquid separation system. Solids are captured on media while liquid permeates to a lower reservoir.
As solids continue to collect on media, the liquid permeation rate declines, causing wash water levels in the basin to rise. When the level reaches a set point media is automatically advanced creating a fresh media surface in the bottom of the basin while simultaneously dispensing spent media, with previously dewatered solids, into a waste receptacle. With fresh media in the basin the liquid permeation rate increases and wash water levels in the basin drop. This causes the media conveyor advance to stop. Wash water inflow is continuous and solids/liquid separation is fully automatic.
Filtrate collected in the lower reservoir of the CMAFU-2 is automatically removed by either an included gravity drain or automatically pumped to subsequent Hydrokleen filtration processing or discharged to drain.
Hydrokleen CMAFU-2 gravity bed filtration system is a highly efficient and effective low energy solids/liquid separation tool. With inlet and discharge flow control and no filter cartridges or bags to change or clean the Hydrokleen CMAFU-2 is automatic.
Hydrokleen filtration/recycling systems are UL-979 listed and conform to CSA and CE standards.
Model Specifications

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